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Differential sectoring in Rhizobium colonies due to random curing of a GFP plasmid, Matthew Crook, Ané Lab
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Dairy calves at a research farm, Kim Dill-McFarland, Rey Lab
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Amanita muscaria, Anne Pringle, Pringle Lab
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X-ray crystallography model of the dimerization interface of Salmonella Typhimurium superoxide dismutase SodCI. Peter Newhouse, Forest Lab
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Carved Pennsylvania Slate, Stan Sears and Andrea Myklebust, Commissioned by Wisconsin State Arts board
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Engineered enrichments of wastewater microbial communities, Elizabeth McDaniel, McMahon Lab
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Media and Lake Mendota, Julia Martien, Amador-Noguez Lab


Thank you for visiting the website of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Bacteriology. For more than a century, we have been known for outstanding research and teaching, and we are committed to a future in which this excellence will continue.

In brief, we produce discoveries that contribute to basic knowledge, we develop practical applications that affect lives, and we provide superior training for the next generation of microbiologists. The training we provide allows undergraduate and graduate students to begin careers that contribute to the world in many ways -- in research, teaching, industry, entrepreneurship, scientific writing and editing, and government service. Our faculty, staff, and students have created a vibrant place to learn, teach, and conduct research, a place rich in opportunity, ideas, creativity, and resources, and a place where people can flourish and discover their own potential. Because we engage people with widely differing backgrounds, talents, perspectives, and styles, we achieve excellence through diversity.


You can help support the Department of Bacteriology by making a gift to the University of Wisconsin Foundation. Make a Gift


Bioinformatics Research Support Service

The Department of Bacteriology Bioinformatics Research Support Service is now live!

On the website, you will find examples of topics you can receive research support on, information on how to schedule (free!) appointments, a guide to computational resources available on campus, links to learning options, and a calendar of events.

Upcoming Agenda

Google Drive link (campus login required) to the agenda for our next Bacteriology Faculty meeting.


  • Kosmopoulos JC, Klier KM, Langwig MV, Tran PQ, Anantharaman K, Viromes vs. mixed community metagenomes: choice of method dictates interpretation of viral community ecology., Microbiome DOI, PubMed
  • Metz F, Myers KS, Lu F, Noguera DR, Donohue TJ, Transcriptomic data sets for Novosphingobium aromaticivorans grown with the β-5-linked aromatic dimer dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol and the related G-aromatic monomers vanillin and ferulic acid., Microbiology resource announcements DOI, PubMed
  • Skarlupka JH, Cox MS, Steinberger AJ, Sbardellati DL, McClure JC, Bickhart DM, Scheftgen AJ, Zuniga-Chaves I, Wolfe LA, Paget E, Skadron C, Attipetty N, Suen G, Oral swabs as a proxy for direct ruminal microbiome sampling in Holstein dairy cows is correlated with sample color., Frontiers in microbiology DOI, PubMed
  • Hall AN, Hall BW, Kinney KJ, Olsen GG, Banta AB, Noguera DR, Donohue TJ, Peters JM, Tools for genetic engineering and gene expression control in Novosphingobium aromaticivorans and Rhodobacter sphaeroides ., Applied and environmental microbiology DOI, PubMed
  • Crowther TW, Rappuoli R, Corinaldesi C, Danovaro R, Donohue TJ, Huisman J, Stein LY, Timmis JK, Timmis K, Anderson MZ, Bakken LR, Baylis M, Behrenfeld MJ, Boyd PW, Brettell I, Cavicchioli R, Delavaux CS, Foreman CM, Jansson JK, Koskella B, Milligan-McClellan K, North JA, Peterson D, Pizza M, Ramos JL, Reay D, Remais JV, Rich VI, Ripple WJ, Singh BK, Smith GR, Stewart FJ, Sullivan MB, van den Hoogen J, van Oppen MJH, Webster NS, Zohner CM, van Galen LG, Scientists' call to action: Microbes, planetary health, and the Sustainable Development Goals., Cell DOI, PubMed
  • Olivos-Caicedo KY, Fernandez F, Daniel SL, Anantharaman K, Ridlon JM, Alves JMP, Pangenome analysis of Clostridium scindens : a collection of diverse bile acid and steroid metabolizing commensal gut bacterial strains., bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology DOI, PubMed
  • Kang JW, Khatib LA, Heston MB, Dilmore AH, Labus JS, Deming Y, Schimmel L, Blach C, McDonald D, Gonzalez A, Bryant M, Sanders K, Schwartz A, Ulland TK, Johnson SC, Asthana S, Carlsson CM, Chin NA, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Rey FE, , Kaddurah-Daouk R, Knight R, Bendlin BB, Gut Microbiome Compositional and Functional Features Associate with Alzheimer's Disease Pathology., medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences DOI, PubMed
  • Lakey B, Alberge F, Donohue TJ, Insights into Alphaproteobacterial regulators of cell envelope remodeling., Current opinion in microbiology DOI, PubMed