Thank you for visiting the website of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Bacteriology. For more than a century, we have been known for outstanding research and teaching, and we are committed to a future in which this excellence will continue.
In brief, we produce discoveries that contribute to basic knowledge, we develop practical applications that affect lives, and we provide superior training for the next generation of microbiologists. The training we provide allows undergraduate and graduate students to begin careers that contribute to the world in many ways -- in research, teaching, industry, entrepreneurship, scientific writing and editing, and government service. Our faculty, staff, and students have created a vibrant place to learn, teach, and conduct research, a place rich in opportunity, ideas, creativity, and resources, and a place where people can flourish and discover their own potential. Because we engage people with widely differing backgrounds, talents, perspectives, and styles, we achieve excellence through diversity.
You can help support the Department of Bacteriology by making a gift to the University of Wisconsin Foundation. Make a Gift
- Thu, Mar 6 @ 3:30 pm
Yi Liu | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Thu, Mar 13 @ 3:30 pm
Eric Martens | University of Michigan - Thu, Mar 20 @ 3:30 pm
Benjamin Wolfe | Tufts University - Thu, Apr 3 @ 3:30 pm
Shannon Sirk | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Thu, Apr 10 @ 3:30 pm
Andrew Doxey | University of Waterloo
The Department of Bacteriology Bioinformatics Research Support Service is now live!
On the website, you will find examples of topics you can receive research support on, information on how to schedule (free!) appointments, a guide to computational resources available on campus, links to learning options, and a calendar of events.
Google Drive link (campus login required) to the agenda for our next Bacteriology Faculty meeting.
- Audrey E Yñigez-Gutierrez, Erin Conley, Michael G Thomas, Brian F Pfleger, Uncovering the substrate of olefin synthase loading domains in cyanobacteria Picosynechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002, RSC Chem Biol DOI, PubMed
- Etan Dieppa-Colón, Cody Martin, James C Kosmopoulos, Karthik Anantharaman, Prophage-DB: a comprehensive database to explore diversity, distribution, and ecology of prophages, Environmental microbiome DOI, PubMed
- Jue Wang, Danny Fung, Jessica Barra, Jeremy Schroeder, Jin Yang, Fukang She, Megan Young, Daniel Amador-Noguez, David Ying, A shared alarmone-GTP switch underlies triggered and spontaneous persistence, Research square DOI, PubMed
- Kazuyuki Kasahara, Robert L Kerby, Ruben Aquino-Martinez, Abigail H Evered, Tzu-Wen L Cross, Jessica Everhart, Tyler K Ulland, Colin D Kay, Bradley W Bolling, Fredrik Bäckhed, Federico E Rey, Gut microbes modulate the effects of the flavonoid quercetin on atherosclerosis, NPJ biofilms and microbiomes PubMed
- Kaustubh Amritkar, Bruno Cuevas-Zuviría, Betül Kaçar, Evolutionary Dynamics of RuBisCO: Emergence of the Small Subunit and its Impact Through Time, Molecular biology and evolution PubMed
- Brieana M Gregg, Sonal Gupta, William H Tepp, Sabine Pellett, Expression of Recombinant Clostridial Neurotoxin by C. tetani, Microorganisms PubMed
- Courtney L Deblois, Andrew D J Tu, Andrew J Scheftgen, Garret Suen, Year-Long Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance Profiles of Salmonella enterica Serogroups Isolated from a Wisconsin Dairy Farm, Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland) PubMed
- Fukang She, Kuanqing Liu, Brent W Anderson, Tippapha Pisithkul, Yanxiu Li, Danny K Fung, Tyler McCue, William Mulhern, Daniel Amador-Noguez, Jue D Wang, Pyruvate Kinase Directly Generates GTP in Glycolysis, Supporting Growth and Contributing to Guanosine Toxicity, bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology DOI, PubMed