Unless otherwise noted, Seminars are at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in the Ebling Auditorium in the Microbial Sciences Building. The Department of Bacteriology Distinguished Lectures in Microbiology are supported in part by the J.B. Wilson Fund, the Perry Wilson Fund, the Dennis and Alicemay Watson Lectureship Fund, and the E.B. Fred Memorial Fund.
The Department of Bacteriology values and prioritizes increasing diversity, of both visible and invisible forms, in our invited speakers for the Distinguished Lectures in Bacteriology seminar series and departmental symposia.
Synonymous but not silent: the codon usage code for gene expression and protein folding
Speaker: Yi Liu | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerdescription Seminar Flyer
Contributions of dietary fiber and mucin-degrading bacteria to inflammatory bowel disease
Speaker: Eric Martens | University of MichiganTitle TBA
Speaker: Benjamin Wolfe | Tufts UniversityDecoding and recoding protein secretion in Bacteroides species for therapeutic applications
Speaker: Shannon Sirk | University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignReconstructing the evolution of bacterial toxins through genomic data mining
Speaker: Andrew Doxey | University of WaterlooGenes Unseen: the hidden world of phage-bacterial conflicts
Speaker: Kevin Forsberg | UT Southwestern Medical CenterSmall but Mighty: Small Proteins and Bacterial Stress Responses
Speaker: Aisha Burton | Cornell UniversityEngineering Enzymes to Enhance the Bioeconomy
Speaker: Elizabeth Bell | National Renewable Energy Laboratory Research HubExploring the metabolic malleability of methanoarchaea
Speaker: Nicole Buan | University of Nebraska–LincolnPlace and Time Matter for Gut Microbes Making Anti-Inflammatories from Broccoli Sprouts
Speaker: Sue Ishaq | University of MaineUncovering the Role of Cytochromes in Archaeal Methane Metabolism
Speaker: Dinesh Gupta | University of California, BerkeleyStability and function of the mosquito microbiome
Speaker: Matt Medeiros | University of Hawai'i at Mānoa