Unless otherwise noted, Seminars are at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in the Ebling Auditorium in the Microbial Sciences Building. The Department of Bacteriology Distinguished Lectures in Microbiology are supported in part by the J.B. Wilson Fund, the Perry Wilson Fund, the Dennis and Alicemay Watson Lectureship Fund, and the E.B. Fred Memorial Fund.
The Department of Bacteriology values and prioritizes increasing diversity, of both visible and invisible forms, in our invited speakers for the Distinguished Lectures in Bacteriology seminar series and departmental symposia.
Evolution, ecology, and structure of Shigella phages
Speaker: Sarah Doore - Michigan State UniversityPhotosensing and quorum sensing converge to control bacterial collective behaviors
Speaker: Sampriti Mukherjee - Princeton UniversityMechanical Determinants of Surface Colonization in Caulobacter crescentus
Speaker: David Hershey - The University of ChicagoUnraveling the molecular basis of chromosome organization: from the single-molecule to the genomic scale
Speaker: Monica Guo - Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyRibozymes and noncoding RNAs in bacteria
Speaker: Kimberly Harris - Yale UniversityMolecular mechanisms of anti-viral immunity by RNA-targeting CRISPR-Cas systems
Speaker: Alexander Meeske - The Rockefeller UniversitySuperheroes of the human microbiota and Beyond: An Introduction to Mechano-Micro-Biology
Speaker: Nicolas Biais, Brooklyn College and The Graduate CenterThe Role of Trehalose Metabolism, Signaling, and Defense in Ralstonia solanacearum Bacterial Wilt Disease of Tomatoes
Speaker: April MacIntyre, Postdoc in the Ane LabDesign of Synthetic Human Gut Microbiome Assembly and Function
Speaker: Ryan Clark, Postdoc in the Venturelli LabThe Complexities of Coordinating the Life Cycle of Bacteria
Speaker: Paola Mera, University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignThe Dark Side of Science: Misconduct in Biomedical Research
Speaker: Elisabeth Bik, Harbers Bik, LLCThe Peril and Promise of Sunlight in Non-traditional Phototrophs
Speaker: Maureen Coleman, University of ChicagoMicrobial Metabolism is a Determinant of Antibiotic-induced Disruption of the Gut Microbiome
Speaker: Peter Belenky, Brown UniversityMechanisms to Survive: Understanding the role of ABC Transporters in Nutrient Uptake and Pathogenesis
Speaker: Heather Pinkett, NorthwesternSmall RNA Control of Gene Expression in E. coli: Integration into Regulatory Networks and Mechanisms of Regulation
Speaker: Maude Guillier, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique